$1.2 million in Clean Ohio funds allocated for Lucas County green space and water projects

Nov 27, 2021News, Newsletter

Alex Aspacher
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments


Project applicants encouraged to attend Dec. 9 meeting


TOLEDO – The Clean Ohio Fund has allocated more than $1.2 million for projects that will conserve green space and protect bodies of water in Lucas County. Potential applicants are encouraged to attend a meeting December 9 to learn more.

Funding is available to local political subdivisions and nonprofit organizations to cover up to 75 percent of the total cost for projects such as land acquisition and improvement. The Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC) District 12 will evaluate projects and make recommendations for funding.

More information on eligible projects and the application process can be found from Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (https://tmacog.org/water/clean-ohio-fund-nrac) and the Ohio Public Works Commission (https://www.pwc.ohio.gov/Programs/Clean-Ohio-Application). If you need further assistance or have questions, contact Sara Guiher, NRAC District 12 liaison: guiher@tmacog.org.

Potential applicants are strongly urged to attend a meeting at 2 p.m. December 9 at TMACOG, located at 300 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Suite 300, Toledo. This will be an opportunity to hear more details about the application and selection process and ask NRAC members questions.

To be considered for funding, all applications must be submitted via the WorksWise portal on the OPWC website by 5 p.m. on March 11, 2022. Applicants are encouraged to offer site tours for NRAC committee members prior to applying; contact the liaison to schedule. Applicants will be notified of NRAC’s recommendation by April 30, 2022.

TMACOG is a non-partisan regional planning partnership made up of voluntary members in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Together, TMACOG members work on transportation, water quality, and other economic development endeavors that affect quality of life for everyone in our region. For more information, go to www.tmacog.org.

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