Jul 23, 2019 | News, Newsletter
MARYSVILLE – Union County’s continuing economic growth has prompted the Union County-Marysville Economic Development Partnership to grow and add a new staff position, Development Project Coordinator.
Tom Wisemiller, an economic development professional with Central Ohio roots and more than a dozen years in the profession, will begin in this new role July 22.
Jul 23, 2019 | News, Newsletter
SPRINGFIELD — It’s not too soon to plan for the next UAS (unmanned aerial systems) regional event. It’s just over a month away.
Jul 23, 2019 | News, Newsletter
Dayton is one of the top cities in the country for millennial home buyers, according to a new study.
The study, published by Clever Real Estate, ranks the Gem City No. 4 out of the 100 most populated cities in the U.S.
Jul 23, 2019 | News, Newsletter
Recent attention focus’ on the challenges of Legacy City’s—communities who have not recovered from the loss of industrial jobs. While former industrial giants like Ohio continue to transform and grow, other than the Columbus and Cincinnati regions, most other regions in the state are not producing the jobs the population needs to succeed. As the table below illustrates, Columbus and Cincinnati produced the lion’s share of the state’s jobs from 1990-2018 while regions like Youngstown, Mansfield, Lima, and Springfield have actually lost a total of 35,500 jobs over this timeframe. Cleveland, once the economic powerhouse of the state, only produced 47,200 jobs over this timeframe which was not as many as Akron, and five times less than Columbus.
Jul 23, 2019 | Jobs
The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission (OVRDC) is requesting proposals from experienced firms, groups, or individuals to perform economic recovery coordinator duties in Adams County, Ohio in response to the closure of two coal-fired power plants in 2018. This is a contract-based position and the selected contractor shall be responsible for all expenses incurred while performing services. Compensation which shall include related expenses will be negotiated but will include consideration for experience.