Feb 12, 2021 | News, Newsletter
The mission of economic developers is to grow jobs and capital investment in our communities. While the distribution of employment and investment in communities around the country has long been a concern of Economic Development Organizations (EDO), the question about “WHO” in the community benefits from any increase in jobs and investment is attracting widespread attention.
Feb 12, 2021 | News, Newsletter
Governor Mike DeWine’s Ohio Development Services Agency (DSA) operating budget proposal has clear winners and losers. Fueled by a planned influx of federal funding and additional Ohio General Revenue Fund (GRF) funding, Governor DeWine’s proposed DSA operating budget proposes a 37% decrease from all funding sources for a total FY 2022 budget of $1.7B and dropping to $1.4B in FY 2023. The big fiscal winners in the DeWine DSA budget are primarily focused on the Governor’s Investing in Ohio agenda focused on small business, broadband and small to mid-sized community infrastructure projects.
Feb 12, 2021 | News, Newsletter
New legislation enacted during the recent lame duck session of the General Assembly may alter the allocation of the federal income tax deduction granted for the design and installation of energy-efficient commercial building fixtures. Substitute Senate Bill 259, signed by Governor DeWine on January 9, 2021, requires public entities to allocate the energy-efficient buildings tax deduction to designers of public buildings upon such designers’ requests. (Note that public entities are prohibited from accepting fees, payments, or any other consideration for allocating the deduction.) After receiving an allocation request, the public entity has 15 days to respond, otherwise, the request is treated as though it was approved.
Feb 11, 2021 | News, Newsletter
The Bridge Street District vision recently turned 10 years old – a significant milestone.
On October 25, 2010, Dublin City Council approved Resolution 50-10: Adopting the Vision Report and Implementation Strategy for the Bridge Street Corridor Plan. This action laid the foundation for a series transformational projects resulting in the thriving, and still-expanding, mixed-use Bridge Street District at the heart of our community.
Feb 11, 2021 | News, Newsletter
ATHENS, Ohio – Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs was awarded a $2.2 million investment from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration to accelerate the region’s transition from a coal economy through a new initiative called Resilience Initiative for Southeastern and Eastern Ohio (RISE Ohio).