A Message from JobsOhio President J.P. Nauseef Partner Engagement Update – We’re Listening!

Jun 26, 2019News, Newsletter

J.P. Nauseef


In March 2019, I joined the JobsOhio team and determined my first priority was to meet with our local economic development partners across the great state of Ohio. My goal was to understand your experiences with us, learn where we exceeded your expectations, and hear your ideas on ways to improve our partnership. Economic development has always been a team effort, so I wanted to engage the team, and indeed you engaged with us!

All six JobsOhio regional partners graciously coordinated my visits, and I thank them for their efforts and welcoming spirit. I am pleased to share that more than 600 partners and stakeholders participated in the open dialogues with me. My goal was to listen to you, and I appreciated the candid and helpful feedback.

We heard several recurring themes that I intend to share with you. Our plan is to compare what we heard against our current practices. We will revisit with you and share proposed strategies for your feedback.

Again, thank you for sharing your time and expertise with me. Together, we truly are stronger and more impactful as we strive to help Ohioans go to work and help our businesses thrive and grow.              

See you soon!


Ottawa County $1.5M to Expand Workforce Programs

Ottawa County Receives $1.5 million to Expand Workforce Programs This week, the Ohio State Senate appropriated $700 million in projects included in SB 288 that will fund initiatives across the state through this one-time Strategic Community Investments fund.  One of...

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