Tracked Senate Bills – July 2019

OEDA worked with a local government coalition to obtain a line-item veto of the provisions of HB 149.  The program would have frozen property taxes on undeveloped land in residential developments that have been subdivided and slated for development until the land was either sold or housing construction began. OEDA’s concerns were based on the fact that the exemptions were automatic, and the failure to include an “opt-in” provision stripped local economic development professionals and governments of the ability to assess the need.  OEDA was also concerned that the resulting decrease in communities’ property tax revenues could have negatively impacted their abilities to fund infrastructure, transportation, schools, libraries, and other projects necessary to support existing businesses and attract new ones.   The OEDA is grateful to Governor DeWine for his help on this matter.

Tracked House Bills – July 2019

Governor’s Budget Bill: After missing the statutory deadline of June 30 and enacting a 17 day budget extension for the first time in many years, the General Assembly finally approved the state’s operating budget for the 2020-2021 Biennium (HB 166) on July 17.  The bill was then sent to Governor DeWine and on July 18 after issuing 25 line-item vetoes, the Governor signed the bill into law. 

Tracked Senate Bills – June 2019

Major changes in the Senate version include:

Restoration of the pass-through entity income tax deduction back to the first $250,000 of income;
Inclusion of Governor Mike DeWine’s proposal for $550 million in wraparound services funding for schools but re-directing an additional $125 million the House provided for those programs to other purposes, including assistance to fast-growing districts and an expansion of school vouchers;
Funding of the first two years of Governor DeWine’s proposed H2Ohio water quality initiative at $172 million for the biennium, and
Restoration of the statewide Kinship Care Navigator Program as proposed by the Governor, and its $15 million per year funding.

Tracked House Bills – June 2019

Governor’s Budget Bill: The Governor’s proposed budget for the 2020-2021 Biennium, HB 166 has been moving forward, with the House passing a Substitute Bill May 9 and the Senate releasing its Substitute Bill June 11.  The Governor must sign a final budget bill by June 30.

Tracked House Bills – May 2019

Governor’s Budget Bill:  The Biennial Operating Budget Bill (HB 166) was introduced in the House March 25, and a substitute bill was passed by the Ohio House on May 9.  Copies of the original and substitute bill are available at:  The Ohio Senate Finance Committee is currently holding hearings and under Ohio’s Constitution, a budget bill must be signed by the Governor by June 30.

The bill includes initiatives important to Governor DeWine and Lt. Gov. Husted, including additional funding for wraparound services for children and families and a water quality program called “H2Ohio” that will fund improvements in waterways across Ohio including Lake Erie.  Economic development provisions included in the House’s substitute bill include: