GOPC Launches Brownfields Website as a Resource for the newly funded Brownfields Remediation Fund

Sep 17, 2021News, Newsletter

Aaron Clapper
Greater Ohio Policy Center



Brownfields stakeholders are excited for the newly established Brownfields Remediation Fund through the state budget passed earlier this year. An investment of $350 million will provide Ohio’s cities with grant dollars to remediate brownfields in their communities. In addition, the budget included a new Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program, which will provide $150 million for commercial and residential demolition and site revitalization. While this program is not brownfields-targeted, it increases the state’s investment to a total of $500 million for demolition, brownfields, and revitalization to provide grant dollars that stakeholders have advocated for since the sunset of previous brownfields and demolition programs.

The Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC) has launched an educational resource for brownfields stakeholders, which can be found at This website provides updated information and resources related to the new brownfields program. GOPC plans to host educational webinars starting in 2022, which will also be housed on the website. GOPC encourages brownfields stakeholders to utilize this website as a resource as preparation and planning is underway for the new funds, which should become available in the next few months.

Program rules are currently being drafted at the Ohio Department of Development, which is the administrator of the new programs. As this process continues, visit to stay engaged and updated.

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