Gratitude for Unprecedented Year of Local Partnerships & Performance Outcomes

Dec 28, 2018News, Newsletter

Dr. Glenda Bumgarner
Senior Director of External Engagement


While recently reflecting on this past year’s successes and opportunities for 2019, my thoughts centered on the depth and breadth of local partnership engagements, especially in my focus-area with elected and non-elected officials including the mayors, commissioners and economic development practitioners throughout Ohio.

In addition to the project-specific discussions the JobsOhio team hosted with you and businesses located in your community, I had the pleasure of hosting hundreds of conversations throughout the state as well. Your insights and feedback were invaluable as we worked together to help strengthen community preparedness, awareness, and share best practices.

The execution of life-changing economic development strategies has always been a team effort. I am pleased to share with you that our partnering is working as evidenced by this month’s announcement in Ernst & Young’s 2018 US Investment Monitor. Ohio earned the No. 1 spot for the second year in a row in jobs and projects! This outcome was only possible because of your commitment to excellence and passion to advance the economic prosperity of Ohioans.

On behalf of the JobsOhio team, thank you for an exceptional year of collaboration and engagement. May 2019 bring another year of unprecedented results!

OEDA Names David Zak as Next President & CEO

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mark Barbash Interim President & CEO, OEDA Director, Ohio Economic Development Institute 614-774-7599 OEDA Names David Zak as Next President & CEO 28-year Economic Development Veteran to Lead State...

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