Job Signing Ceremonies Celebrate Graduates’ Decision to Work in Champaign County

May 30, 2019News, Newsletter

Signing employment contracts at Bundy Baking Solution in Urbana are, seated from left, Brock Bennett, who will work as a TIG welder; Alivia Whitt, a press operator; and Lexis Bennett, graphic designer in the marketing department. The three completed internships with the company. Behind them are Bundy Baking Solutions staff members they will report to and work with.

Marcia Bailey
Champaign Economic Partnership


Partnering with schools and businesses, the Champaign Economic Partnership (CEP) has been focusing on better preparing students for the local workforce.

Now as local high school and university seniors and graduates enter internships and accept job offers with local employers, the CEP is celebrating the occasion with signing ceremonies. These events are patterned after signing ceremonies that many colleges conduct for new student athletes.

“I believe that students at both the high school and university level should be recognized when they make the decision to stay in Champaign County, and we should share the students’ success with our community,” says Tom Coles, Vice President of Human Resources for Bundy Baking Solutions. Bundy, which is headquartered in Urbana, recently hosted a ceremony for three new employees who completed internships with the company.

“The relationship of our companies with the local schools is very important to the continued success of both our community and businesses,” Coles said. “Raising awareness that we provide a very diverse range of entry level and professional positions is critical.”

Janet Ruhe, Human Resources Representative for ORBIS Corporation in Urbana, said, “These signing ceremonies are significant because they increase community awareness about the variety of career opportunities that we offer. ORBIS has partnered with Urbana University for internships successfully in the past and we are excited to see what the future holds for our new UU intern.” Past interns have continued with the company after graduation.

Ashley Cook, CEP’s Business Liaison, works with the Champaign County Human Resources Manufacturers Council to coordinate the signing ceremonies, making the events unique to each business.




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