Mobility Manager – Brooke-Hancock-Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission – Brooke & Hancock County, WV / Jefferson County, OH

Jun 23, 2020Jobs


Brooke Hancock Jefferson Mobility Management Program
Brooke-Hancock-Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission
Brooke & Hancock County, WV / Jefferson County, OH

Position: Mobility Manager.
Total Compensation Package- $90,500 (For 15 months Period).
Probationary Period- 90 days from the joining Date.
Advertising Dates: A Period beginning Thursday, June 18.
Closing Date: Open until Filled.

The project purpose is to establish a Mobility Management Program for the BHJ Region. Mobility Management moves beyond traditional fixed route public transportation services as an innovative approach for managing and delivering a network of diverse transportation services, public and private, to satisfy consumer needs. The primary objective is to improve access to mobility for all citizens through an increased awareness of the BHJ Region’s transportation needs, coordination of transportation options to meet those needs, and integrate those options by integrating into local public policy through planning and partnerships.

Previous Work:
In 2019 as a direct result of the adopted Public Transit-Human Service Coordinated Plan for Jefferson County and the Region XI Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan, the BHJ Transportation Study Policy Committee established a “Mobility Partnership for Human Services” standing committee. The adopted bylaws state that “the committee shall serve in advising capacity to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Transportation Study Policy Committee”. The mission of the Mobility Partnership for Human Services “is to eliminate and reduce where possible, obstacles and barriers to transportation services regardless of governmental boundaries (i.e. county, state or service boundaries) and provide opportunity for participation and cooperation among all public transit/human services, and private transportation providers, as well as, other social service agencies”. The adopted goals include:

  • Reduce operating cost and improve conservation of available services
  • Develop a form of central management i.e. Mobility Manager
  • Create a form of format or policy for consistent communication
  • Expand “Down the Road” with an eye towards the business community

Key Elements:
This position will conduct a 15-month Mobility Management Pilot Program to assess public and institutional support to sustain such a program beyond the 15-month trial period. During the 15-month period, the Mobility Manager will create policies and guidelines that focuses on a diversity of travel options and modes that reach out to a wide-range of transportation services beyond traditional transit systems built on regional service coverage. The manager will use multiple service providers to offer more efficient services to consumers and improve transportation management and delivery. Key elements are:

  • Develop coordination strategies with public transit and human service operators to improve public access to services,
  • Conduct survey, data analysis, or research to assess consumer needs, address gaps in service, and improve service efficiencies
  • Compliance with federal and state program guidelines and funding requirements
  • Develop, revise, and administer applicable Human Service Public Transit Coordination Plans, or other relevant transportation plans,
  • Maintain and foster a working relationship with the federal, state, and local agencies,
  • Prepare material for Mobility Partnership for Human Services meetings and deliver oral and written presentations, project reports, and other summaries, as approved by the BHJ Executive Director to BHJ committee meetings, other transportation service committee meetings, and media outlets as well as other meetings held by local governing boards and civic groups.

To accomplish these goals, BHJ already created a working sub-committee of the Mobility Partnership for Human Services and determined the final scope of the Mobility Management Pilot Project. In the next Phase BHJ will establish a Monitoring body to manage and monitor the Mobility Manager’s day to day operations.

Frequency of Monitoring Report and Presentation:
Every 2 month to the monitoring body and any other request from the Mobility for Human Service Committee.

Bachelor’s Degree in public administration, transportation planning, sociology, community development or a related field, plus a minimum of three (3) years of progressively responsible experience. Knowledge of and ability to identify community needs and resources as they relate to transportation, human services programs, and employment. Excellent verbal and written communication skills with a high degree of computer literacy, including competency in standard spreadsheet, database, and word processing software. Familiarity with state and federal regulations (OH-WV) and, ability to demonstrate a high level of professionalism, maturity, discretion, and decorum. This is a highly visible position that will require the Mobility Manager to conduct public meetings, possess excellent oral communication skills as well as the ability to collaborate with a number of government agencies (local, state, and federal) and community organizations.

Specific Work Responsibilities, Deliverables, And Performance Measurement Strategy:
A detailed outline of the working scopes required outcomes and intermediate performance evaluation strategy for this position has been summarized in the following table-


No# Objective Strategy Measurement
Objective 1 Develop Coordination Strategies with public transit and human service operators to improve public access to service. Develop a one stop integrated scheduling document which contains all the existing providers scheduling information, schedule process, cost, eligibility criteria, contacts etc. Document or website containing the scheduling document.
Create, distribute travel training guidelines for elderly, people with disabilities and general travel training documentation for the users. Training Document- curriculum & Number of people get trained and get necessary assistance (Travel training & ride scheduled).
Objective 2 Maintain, foster a working relationship with the federal, state, and local agencies and promote mobility management program to the community.

Attend meetings and present the idea of mobility management to different stakeholder group of the communities. State and Federal Level allowable meeting example-

·        OMEGA Regional Coordination Working Group Meetings.

·        ODOT Mobility management & Training Meetings.

·        WVDOT Mobility Management initiatives.

·        FTA Mobility Management Trainings & Meetings.

Number of people participate in the meetings.
Number of coordination council meetings organized by this individual.
Number of meetings with decision makers.
Number of meetings with vulnerable population group (elderly, disable, people in poverty, minority population groups)
Number of state and federal meetings attended and presented
Number of stakeholder workgroup established.
Objective 3 Update Regional Coordination Plan both West Virginia and Ohio. Provide special emphasis on the public involvement and reach out the smaller communities of the region who generally get neglected in the past plan Updated planning document
Updated Survey
SWOT analysis of the region (Micro scale-community, township, village, city level)
Updated gap and demand analysis for the region.
Objective 4 Search for federal, state, nonprofit grants and 20% Local match for 5310 ODOT Mobility Management Program. Providing assistance to the providers and Human service committee members for searching and writing grants. Number of grants applied and approved- rejected.
Number of providers being served.
Pursue local match sources for 20 % Number of organizations being approached, and idea presented on the benefit of mobility management and need for the local match.



Procedure for Letter of Interest Submittal:
Applicants must submit Letter of Interest no later than 12:00 noon (EDT) of the Closing Date. Applicants can submit the LOI by e-mail to Adrienne Ward, Office Manager, E mail- subject: “LOI Mobility Manager-Submittal”  or the physical  address subject: “LOI Mobility Manager-Submittal”

Brooke Hancock Jefferson Metropolitan Planning Commission
124 North Fourth Street, 2nd Floor
Steubenville, OH 43953

Direct all questions or clarifications prior to submittal by email to Michael J. Paprocki, Executive Director, subject: “LOI Mobility Manager-Question”


Not more than One Page (Single Space). Highlight education, work experience, qualitative and quantitative skill sets and professional certifications (if have any) expected by this position.

Letter of Interest: 

  • Shall be Limited to five (5) to Seven (7) pages single sided, single space with minimum font size of 12” (Arial or Times Roman) and maintain margins of 1” on all four sides. Center all page numbers at the bottom of each page.
  • For physical copies, please use 8½” x 11″ paper only. Bind letters of interest by stapling at the upper left-hand corner only. Do not utilize any other binding system. Do not provide tabbed inserts or other features that may interfere with machine copying.


Contents for Letter of Interest:

Letter of Interest should include the following –

  • Describe the qualifications and capabilities of implementing the scopes and objectives described in the “Specific Work Responsibilities, Deliverables, And Performance Measurement Strategy”. It Includes qualifications associated with writing & managing federal & state grants, working with multiple stakeholders, experience in mobility and accessibility management program, transportation, public transit, and human service-related projects particularly related with aging communities like Weirton- Steubenville Metropolitan Statistical Area. Include knowledge and familiarity with the people and socio-economic conditions of the Eastern Ohio and Northern Panhandle of West Virginia with Brooke, Hancock, and Jefferson County in particular. Include project summaries of relevant projects completed.

  • Demonstrate how work experience aligns with the work scope of this position.
  • Include at least three (3) work related (Client or employer) references. Include any professional certification or trainings that demonstrate the expertise required for this position.
  • Include information if an authority has cited you for unscrupulous practice.
  • Other: Provide any other information that may be useful when reviewing this proposal.


Selection Criteria:
The Selection Committee will evaluate each LOI according to the following criteria

  • Experience and ability to successfully complete the scope of work within the compensation package.
  • Demonstrated experience on program management.
  • Familiarity with the region.
  • Proven record of past projects and effectiveness.


Equal Opportunity Employer:
Our work progresses when our team can draw on a wide range of personal experiences and backgrounds, and when each member is open to learning from the experiences of others, both internally and externally. As an equal opportunity employer, we fully support all applicable state and federal laws and regulations and do not discriminate against applicants for employment or employees because of race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, sex or gender, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, medical conditions,  age, disability or other handicap, genetic information, marital/familial status, veteran status, military status, or income or status with regard to public assistance in any aspects of our personnel policies, working conditions, or hiring and recruitment.

To create and nourish a workforce as diverse, BHJ encourages members of groups traditionally underrepresented in local government and professional positions to apply for our open career opportunities.


Physical Demands:
The work is considered light in nature and involves walking or standing some of the time and involves exerting up to 20 pounds of force on a recurring basis, or skill, adeptness and speed in the use of fingers, hands or limbs on repetitive operation of mechanical or electronic office or shop machines or tools within moderate tolerances or limits of accuracy.


Rights Reserved
BHJ MPC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject all submissions, reissue a subsequent LOI, terminate, restructure, or amend this procurement process at any time. Evaluation criteria contained herein shall be used in evaluating interested persons for selection. BHJ MPC may contact any LOI respondent after receiving its submittal to seek clarification on any portion thereof. BHJ MPC reserves the right to request additional information from any LOI respondent if BHJ MPC deems such information necessary to further evaluate selection. BHJ MPC reserves the right to select several consultants to perform task under the contract. All LOI material submitted to BHJ MPC becomes property of BHJ MPC and will not be returned to the LOI respondents.


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