OEDA Secures Important Changes to Enterprise Zone Program 

Jul 5, 2017Advocacy

Ohio Enterprise Zone Sunset Provision Removed in State Budget.

OEDA secured a legislative victory on an issue important to many of its members as part of the grueling state budget deliberations and debate. Under existing law, the Ohio Enterprise Zone program was set to sunset in just a few short months on October 15, 2017. OEDA has been successful in securing several two-year extensions for the program in recent budget cycles. While this maintained the program, the very inclusion of the sunset provision was cause for uncertainty and concern.

With the October 17 date looming, OEDA worked with its legislative agent, Bricker & Eckler, to educate lawmakers of the importance of this economic development tool and shared its concerns with the sunset provision. OEDA sought to have the sunset provision removed in its entirety in HB 49 rather than extended for another two-year period.

OEDA was able to secure an amendment to the “as introduced” version of the state budget (HB 49) during deliberations in the Ohio House. The association’s legislative team worked closely with the vice chairman of the Ohio House Finance Committee, Rep. Scott Ryan, to secure this important amendment. The provision was reflected in the “substitute” version of the budget bill, passing through the Ohio Senate, conference committee and gubernatorial vetoes.

OEDA wants to thank our members for their work and support on this issue. Many members spoke with their local legislators to reinforce the importance of the Enterprise Zone Program in their respective communities. The ability to “localize” an issue and educate legislators on the impact to their communities is a critical part of OEDA’s education and advocacy efforts. Thanks again to all who helped secure this legislative victory!

Ottawa County $1.5M to Expand Workforce Programs

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