May is World Trade Month: Ohio Export Report Shows Strong Trade Growth with Industrial Machinery as Top Product

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) – The Ohio Department of Development released the 2023 Ohio Export Report during National World Trade Month to showcase the state’s thriving export sector and highlight its export initiatives designed to bolster Ohio’s position in the global marketplace.

“We are experiencing tremendous economic growth across Ohio,” said Governor Mike DeWine. “Ohio is positioning itself as an economic leader across the United States and across the world. More businesses are seeing the success they can have in Ohio and are making their products right here in the Heart of Innovation.”

Since 1938, World Trade Month has been celebrated every May in the United States to recognize the importance of international trade to the economy.

“Ohio’s trade growth reflects the resilience of our state’s economy and competitive edge in the global marketplace,” said Lydia Mihalik, director of the Ohio Department of Development. “With a strong business climate, low cost of living, a skilled workforce, and innovative research institutions, it’s clear why more businesses are seeing Ohio as the best place to call home.”

To download the report and read it in its entirety, visit 2023 Ohio Export Report.

Development’s Export Programs:

Ohio Export Internship Program: This program provides students with invaluable hands-on experience and equips them with the skills necessary to thrive in the global marketplace by matching them with companies looking to export for the first time or to improve their current export initiatives. The program funds a 50 percent reimbursement for the intern’s wages. It offers a mutually beneficial relationship to companies and students as a partnership with the Ohio Small Business Development Center Export Assistance Network, and colleges of business at The Ohio State University, Youngstown State University, Cleveland State University, the University of Dayton, Ohio University, and Bowling Green State University.

International Market Access for Exporters (IMAGE) Grant Program: To further incentivize Ohio businesses to explore international markets, Development offers a grant to help Ohio companies export their goods and services, gain export knowledge, and participate in trade missions. The U.S. Small Business Administration’s State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) partially funds Development’s export grants.

International Marketing Support: The Department of Development recognizes the importance of effective international marketing. To that end, the state works with representatives internationally to provide opportunities for Ohio businesses to increase export sales and create jobs. The in-market representatives assist with providing detailed market research and matchmaking with potential customers at no cost to the business.

Export Counseling Resources: This program offers businesses expert guidance and assistance in navigating the complexities of international trade, compliance, and logistics. The Ohio Small Business Development Center, Export Assistance Network directors, located across the state, provide companies with no-cost, in-depth counseling to help companies expand globally.

More information about the Department of Development’s Export Assistance and International Engagement is available online.

The Ohio Department of Development empowers communities to succeed by investing in Ohio’s people, places, and businesses. Learn more about our work at


For more information, contact:
Mason Waldvogel

Office of Communications & Marketing • 77 South High Street • P.O. Box 1001 • Columbus, Ohio 43215 • U.S.A. • 614 | 466-2609

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