Prioritizing Ohio Businesses During COVID-19 Recovery

Aug 3, 2020News, Newsletter

J.P. Nauseef
President and CEO



This year presented us with a lot of unexpected challenges. But as Ohioans, we don’t give up, and throughout this pandemic, we’ve demonstrated the value of our economic development network. The JobsOhio team is thankful for all you’ve done to help companies and your communities during this time. We have a long road still ahead of us, but JobsOhio believes this is the time to rebuild, improve and seize opportunities.

The DeWine/Husted Administration’s pandemic response has earned Ohio positive attention on a national level. This presents us with a generational, once-in-a-lifetime chance to leverage the attention in our favor. At JobsOhio’s Q2 board of directors meeting in June, we revealed our refreshed vision and strategy for Ohio which will shape our work with you and other partners across the state. At the core of it all is putting Ohio first.

We must ensure that businesses already in Ohio are in a position to innovate, grow and emerge from the pandemic. We must find their most pressing pain points and address them. For many employers, one of these areas will be workforce. This is why we will focus on retaining in-demand talent and upskilling displaced talent across the state.

As economic development leaders, Ohio needs us now more than ever. Our collaboration is critical at the state, regional and local levels. We must continue to stay connected and rely on each other in the months ahead as we navigate this environment together.

We are Buckeyes and we will prevail!

Very Respectfully,
J.P. Nauseef
President and CEO

Ottawa County $1.5M to Expand Workforce Programs

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