2017 Annual Summit Program

Aug 9, 2017Uncategorized

Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017

9 a.m. Registration/Check In
Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom Foyer, 2nd Floor

10-11 a.m. Welcome & Opening Session: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Social Media
Presenter: Colleen Walton, Marketing Strategist, Brand Acceleration, Inc.

In Colleen’s very popular presentation, she explains, in detail, how to effectively use social media for economic development. Specifically, she explains how audiences use social media, how and where to find effective content, and what is the best balance of promotional and non-promotional information. First presented at the Women’s Economic Development Network, this presentation was a huge hit!

Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

11-11:15 a.m. Networking Break

11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Broadband General Session – Ice Miller
Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

12:15-1:15 p.m. OEDA Annual Business Meeting Luncheon
Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC


  1. Downtown Redevelopment in Ohio – Three Perspectives
    Presenters: Hrishue Mahalaha, Senior Partner at Innovation Economy Partners; Davis Robinson, President of the Montrose Group; Mike Rose, President of Washington PropertiesRural, suburban and urban communities are all searching for ways to capitalize on the Millennials drive to live and work Downtown. Ohio has a unique opportunity to capitalize on this trend and redevelopment in even a struggling Downtown neighborhood.

    Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

  2. Creating a Rising Tide to Lift All Boats – Employer Talent Advising as a Workforce Innovation Strategy
    Presenters: Paul Herdeg, Development Administrator & David Feinerman, Deputy Director for Workforce Innovation – Cuyahoga County Department of DevelopmentLed by Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish’s vision for economic development that creates opportunities for all, Cuyahoga County has transformed its economic development department into a center of excellence with workplace innovation at its very core. This session will present Cuyahoga County’s strategic vision for linking economic development with workforce innovation, along with several case studies of actual private sector firms engaged with Cuyahoga County. Preliminary results from Cuyahoga County’s unique talent advising service for businesses, branded as “SkillUp”, will illustrate how an innovative approach to talent recruitment and advancement can create opportunities public assistance recipients to not only gain employment, but also advance to sustainable wage positions.

    Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom D

  3. PACE Financing: Applicability and Impact
    Presenters: Margaret Comey, Senior Counsel-Public Finance Group, Locke Lord, LLP & Caleb Bell, Partner, Bricker & Eckler LLPUtilizing special assessments to finance special energy improvements to a property provides municipal corporations and townships with an additional economic development tool. ESIDs are energy special improvement districts that may be formed by municipal corporations or townships or may be utilized by those jurisdictions by entering into cooperative agreements with establish ESIDs that meet territorial requirements. Owners of real property within an ESID may petition the governing board of the jurisdiction to levy special assessments against their properties as a means to fund the cost of special energy improvements. This session will address the formation of an ESID and the steps to be taken to accomplish long term special assessment financing for energy improvements.

    Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom E

2:30-2:45 p.m. Networking Break

2:45-3:45 p.m. Ohio – An Insider’s Perspective
Learn from a panelist of Ohio’s business leaders, from across the state and across sectors, their perspective on doing business in our state today. Panelists will share their views on trends, challenges, and successes with respect to their industries, and our state. Moderator: Eric Burkland, President, Ohio Manufacturers’ Association.
Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

3:45-4 p.m. Networking Break

4-5 p.m. How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going?
Presenter: Jason Hamman, President, The Hamman Consulting Group

Rapid technological advancements, shifts in consumer behavior and changing residential preferences are among the forces that are increasingly impacting corporate site selection decisions and the practice of economic development. A retrospective look at changes in the relative importance of site selection factors and project location trends will be provided, along with a discussion of emerging industry opportunities and their needs.

Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

5-6:30 p.m. Networking Reception, sponsored by the Ohio Council of Port Authorities
Meet one-on-one with your colleagues in economic development! Take this additional opportunity to gather resources and contacts that can assist in making your community competitive!

Location: Cityview Terrace, 4th floor

Thursday, October 19, 2017

8-8:30 a.m. Networking Breakfast
Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

8:30-9 a.m. Ohio Development Services Agency Update
Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

9-10 a.m. JobsOhio Update
Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

10-10:15 a.m. Networking Break

10:15-11:15 a.m. Connecting Business and Education
Presenters: Ryan Burgess, Director, Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation; Chancellor John Carey, Ohio Department of Higher Education; Dr. John Richard, Deputy State Superintendent, Ohio Department of Education

A skilled and productive workforce is key to Ohio’s economic prosperity. The Ohio Department of Education, Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, and Ohio Department of Higher Education are working collaboratively to address the skills gap, meet the needs of employers, and ensure student and job-seeker success. Please join us for an overview of the state’s priorities to align business and education and prepare Ohioans for jobs today and tomorrow.

11:15-11:30 a.m. Networking Break

11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions

  1. Connecting Job-Seekers and Businesses Through a Common Language—Skills
    Presenters: Rebecca Kusner, Director of Strategic Planning and Policy, New Growth Group, Mike Longo, Director, Lorain County Workforce Development Agency and Brenda Latanza, Director of Economic Development, Preble County Development CorporationAcross Ohio, communities are using creative ways to connect job-seekers to businesses using a common language-skills. These efforts dovetail with the work of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, whose recommendation include that all Ohio Means Jobs centers begin using skill-scores and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has added skill-scores to all jobs posted on Ohiomeansjobs.com. During this session, you will learn how three communities across Ohio are using skills-scores to promote economic development, increase success of local training programs, and better match job-seekers to businesses.
    Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom D
  2. Bond Finance: Will Your Financing Be Taxable or Tax-Exempt?
    Presenter: Todd L. Cooper, Esq., Partner, Locke Lord LLPThis session will focus upon important diligence to be undertaken to determine whether a project can be financed on a tax-exempt basis, or if a portion of the financing must be taxable. Todd will explain private use considerations and post issuance compliance requirements.

    Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom E

  3. Economic Development Through Placemaking and Crowdgranting
    Presenters: Rob St. Mary, Director of Outreach Patronicity & Katharine Czarnecki, Senior Vice President, Community Development, Michigan Economic Development Corporation
    Since 2014, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) has worked with Patronicity, a civic crowdfunding platform, to create an innovative new concept in placemaking – called crowdgranting. By using a blending of traditional grants with crowdfunding, MEDC has offered communities across the state the opportunity to ask local residents, businesses, and even people living in other states or countries, to help make great public spaces possible. Join us for this session to learn about this unique approach.Location: Meeting Room 30

12:30-1:45 p.m. 2017 Annual Economic Development Awards Luncheon, sponsored by Bricker & Eckler, LLP
The Ohio Economic Development Association’s annual excellence awards program recognizes the achievements individuals and organizations in Ohio in the areas of economic and workforce development. Join us as we recognize excellence state-wide!

Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

2-3 p.m. Concurrent Sessions

  1. Anchor-Based Strategies for Small and Mid-Sized Communities
    Presenter: Allan Hooper, Downtown Strategies LLCClassic anchor-leveraged development is the province of large cities and their dominant (typically non-profit) anchor institutions. Cleveland’s own initiative with the Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, and Case Western Reserve University is an example. However, small and mid-sized cities typically lack these dominant anchors. But, there is a hybrid strategy born out of challenges faced by a mid-sized community underperforming in its ability to attract young talented workers. The strategy focused on private sector anchors (larger employers and legacy businesses) making commitments that would serve as catalysts for developers to invest in a more vibrant downtown. The glue to assemble this coalition was a Shared-Value Proposition whereby these anchors stood to realize specific operational and competitive advantages by making their commitments to a more vibrant downtown. In less than two years, 150 new market rate apartments are in the pipeline, and the prospects of a growing resident millennial population downtown is stimulating others to become active in new restaurant and retail development.

    Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom D

  2. Better Together – Supporting Regional Businesses through Powerful Partnerships
    Presenters: Matt Falter, OBRN Project Director, Workforce Initiative Association, Canton, Ohio; Rich Delisio, PTAC Procurement Specialist, Ohio University, Ken Timmings, President, KTSDI, LLC., North Lima, Ohio; Dave Wheeler, Director, External Affairs at American Electric Power & Chair of the Stark Tuscarawas Workforce Development BoardWhere can I source employees? Are there incentives available to help my business expand? How do I create a business plan? Is exporting my product a possibility? Where can I find skilled employees? Business owners face these questions, and many more, on a daily basis. The Ohio Business Resource Network (OBRN) helps to connect businesses with resources that answer these questions through a single point of contact and at no charge. Since the OBRN expansion into 16 Ohio counties in July 2012, the network has assisted over 1,800 businesses access over $11,000,000 in local, state and federal workforce and economic development programs and incentives.This presentation will be a panel discussion focusing on how the model can help local economic development professionals partner more closely with local workforce development boards to implement an effective and proven regional business service delivery strategy. The federal Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act of 2014 requires stronger working relationships between workforce and economic development, education and training providers, as well as sector partnership initiatives- all of which are currently underway with the OBRN concept and model. The presentation will also discuss the OBRN interstate strategy that is currently underway to address the workforce and economic needs of areas in Pennsylvania and West Virginia impacted by the downturn in the coal industry.

    Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom E

  3. Tapping into Data for Workforce Success: How Ohio Analytics Supports Ohio’s Business Needs and Workforce Goals
    Presenters: Joshua Hawley, Director, Ohio Education Research Center; Keith Ewald, Project Manager, Office of Workforce Development, ODJFS; Ryan Burgess, Director, Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation; Kristin Harlow, Research Associate, Ohio Education Research Center. Facilitator: Erin Joyce, Associate Director, Ohio Education Research CenterSession attendees will learn about Ohio Analytics, an administrative data partnership supporting education and workforce research priorities of Ohio’s public agencies. Ohio Analytics supports Ohio business needs and workforce goals by creating research products and tools that support business and economic development. This session will include: a facilitated panel discussion among Ohio Analytics partners from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, and the Ohio Education Research Center at The Ohio State University. The session will also include a demonstration of one of Ohio Analytics products: Ohio’s Workforce Supply Tool, which provides businesses, employers, higher education institutions and job seekers critical information about Ohio’s talent supply and workforce features in key occupations.

    Location: Meeting Room 30

3-3:15 p.m. Networking Break

3:15-4:15 p.m. Perspectives of the Effects of Heroin on a Community – A Panel Discussion
The effects of heroin on communities across the state and nation are devastating and reaching epidemic proportions. The continued rise in use of these drugs, coupled with a variety of existing workforce issues are becoming increasingly noticeable. Join us for a discussion of how communities are dealing with this and hear from employers on the issues that this has created.
Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

4:25-6 p.m. Speed Networking
If you are new to OEDA and/or economic development in Ohio, please join us for a fast-paced, energy-filled networking opportunity with economic developers from across the state. Space is limited so, reserve your spot today – pre-registration is required. (And, bring plenty of business cards!). Here’s how it works:

• Each of your one-on-one networking sessions will last a total of three minutes.
• Use this time to introduce yourself and learn more about your partner’s career in ED.
• At the end of three minutes, you move along to the next ED professional and repeat the process.
• At the end of 45 minutes, we’ll break for a networking reception that will include drinks and appetizers.

Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom E

Friday, October 20, 2017

8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Breakfast & General Session: Data is Good but Insights are Better: How Technology is Being Harnessed by Economic Developers to Drive Local Business Growth
Presenter: Dave Parsell, Co-founder and CEO of Localintel
The current economic development playbook tells you to put a community profile online with demographics, available real estate and other content typically required by site selectors. Sounds familiar, right? Well, it’s time for a rethink. This approach if fine for a handful of site selectors, but not the 29 million small businesses who generate over 75% of new jobs in North America. The fact is the assistance small businesses require from economic development professionals are very different than those of site selectors. In too many instances, and in too many locations, the needs of small businesses are being overlooked and communities are missing out on job creating opportunities as a consequence.

In this session, Dave Parsell will draw on extensive research to discuss what small businesses really need from economic development professionals to start, expand and thrive in good times and bad. Participants will get a glimpse into the future of economic development and learn:

• What insights are and why they matter more to businesses than data.
• How innovative municipalities of all sizes are using next-generation technology to support small businesses.
• How the latest advances in big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence will help economic development professionals support local business growth.

Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom E

9:30-10:30 a.m. Open Mic Morning!
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! We are looking for our colleagues to share their stories – successes, failures, challenges, best practices, etc. We will accept the first 12 people to sign up by sending an email with subject line Open Mic Morning to karla@assnoffices.com. You will have 5 minutes to talk about your topic and may have a maximum of 3 slides (slides only if necessary). In your email, please include what you will be talking about (general category and topic).

Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

10:30-10:45 a.m. Networking Break

10:45-11:45 a.m. Right to Work vs. Non Right to Work State: Definitions, Differences & Debate
What impact, if any at all, would Right to Work have on new jobs, wages, capital investments, or overall economic development competitiveness for Ohio? Join us in this general session and hear Hannah Halbert, Researcher of Policy Matters Ohio discuss with Greg Lawson, Research Fellow at the Buckeye Institute, the impact of making Ohio a right-to-work state. Included in this panel session will be the perspective of Site Selector.

Location: Woody Hayes Grand Ballroom ABC

11:45-12 p.m. Summit Closing Remarks from Dan Evers, OEDA President and Chris Xeil Lyons, OEDA President-Elect

Registration is available online via credit card, check, or purchase order!



All-Inclusive Summit Registration (All three days – Oct. 18-20)
OEDA Member* ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. $425
Non-Member ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. $525

Join OEDA Now and Save!
NEW Member Package …………………………………………………………………………………………….. $650
All-Inclusive Registration and OEDA Membership through 12/31/18.

One Day Summit Registration (select Wednesday, Thursday, OR Friday)
OEDA Member* ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. $225
Non-Member …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… $325

* OEDA memberships are individual memberships, not organization-based. The person registering must be a current OEDA member to receive the member rate.

Please register online by October 9th. Registrations after this date will be accepted onsite only at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown. No refunds will be granted after October 9th. Registrations with payment pending will be responsible for full payment if cancellation is received after October 9, 2017.

If you are an established investor receiving a complimentary registration as a sponsorship benefit, you may register online. Your primary sponsorship contact will be sent an email from the OEDA office with a registration code and instructions to register.

Please be sure to indicate in your registration form any special dietary needs and/or ADA requirements.


Ohio Economic Development Association, 17 S. High St., Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614-228-4706, Fax: 614-221-1989, Email: oeda@assnoffices.com, www.ohioeda.com



Annual Summit Hotel and Parking Information
The Renaissance Columbus Downtown will be the host site of the 2017 Ohio Economic Development Association Annual Summit. The Renaissance is located at 50 N. 3rd Street, Columbus, OH 43215.
You may book your hotel room now for the 2017 Annual Summit! A limited number of rooms have been blocked for the nights of October 17, 18, and 19 at the discounted rate of $179 per night for a standard king room. The reservation deadline is September 25, 2017.


Ottawa County $1.5M to Expand Workforce Programs

Ottawa County Receives $1.5 million to Expand Workforce Programs This week, the Ohio State Senate appropriated $700 million in projects included in SB 288 that will fund initiatives across the state through this one-time Strategic Community Investments fund.  One of...

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