Oct 11, 2022 | Jobs
The Regional Growth Partnership is the lead economic development organization for Northwest Ohio, charged with attracting new business and facilitating economic growth across the region. We are a 100% private organization working collaboratively with development partners at the local, regional and state levels, communicating and marketing the business assets of Northwest Ohio to targeted companies and site consultants across the country.
Oct 11, 2022 | Jobs
The Ohio Land Bank Association (OLBA) is seeking a creative and energetic individual to lead the OLBA as its first Executive Director. The OLBA is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) membership association dedicated to strengthening Ohio communities by providing support and services to its Ohio land bank network of members. The OLBA is looking for an entrepreneurial individual with a passion for strengthening neighborhoods and communities throughout Ohio that will help take the OLBA to the next level.
Oct 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
The Ohio Economic Development Association (OEDA) presented its Annual Excellence Awards at its 2022 Annual Summit, held at The Exchange at Bridge Park October 4-6 in Dublin, Ohio.
Oct 4, 2022 | Jobs
The City of Painesville, OH (pop. 20,360) is seeking a dynamic individual to fill the position of Economic Development Director. This position is integral to the development of Painesville and works closely with the City Manager to facilitate residential, commercial and industrial development using a strategic approach. The position is responsible for planning, coordinating and tracking all economic development activities within the City.