Tracked House Bills – February 2023
Tracked House Bills
Tracked House Bills
Federal & State News, February 2023
On February 24, the Bucyrus Area Chamber of Commerce and the Galion-Crestline Area Chamber of Commerce teamed up for their third annual Crawford County Business Forecast and Economic Development Update. Speakers offered good news, areas for growth and opportunity, warnings, encouragement, and honors for the community.
The OPSB today authorized South Branch Solar, LLC and Border Basin I, LLC to construct solar-powered electric generating facilities in Hancock County. The OPSB also approved AEP Ohio Transmission Company’s plans to construct a 138 kilovolt (kV) electric transmission line in Franklin County.
Registration is now open for the 2023 Ohio Brownfields Conference, which will be held in Columbus on May 9, 2023. The Early Bird deadline has been extended until Friday, March 3, 2023. Conference topics will include brownfields funding, public-private partnerships in brownfields remediation, remediation and the VAP process, and more.