Newark Development Partners continues to make strides in Downtown Newark

Newark Development Partners (NDP), the community improvement corporation for the City of Newark, continues to further development in the Downtown through various projects. The sale of the Hudson Avenue Church with surrounding property, the renewal of the Downtown Special Improvement District and the commencement of construction at the Historic Arcade are all recent successes for the City of Newark.

Finance Director – Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association (OMEGA)

The Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association (OMEGA) has an opening for a Finance Director. A Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or other related field and a minimum of five years of experience is required. A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation is preferred. Experience in GAAP conversion, Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA), financial management of public agencies, and grant fund accounting is also preferred.

Executive Director – Ohio Statewide Development Corporation

Non-profit organization working in small business commercial real estate and equipment lending. Lending done in partnership with private lenders, utilizing the public sector financing programs—specifically the U.S. Small Business Administration 504 Loan Program and the Ohio 166 Regional Loan Program.

Executive Director – Van Wert Area Economic Development Corporation

The Van Wert Area Economic Development Corp. (“VWAEDC”) Board of Trustees is accepting applications for the full-time position of Executive Director.  The successful candidate must work with a high degree of independence and initiative to execute a broad range of economic development initiatives.  They will be responsible for implementing goals, policies, financial management, and providing leadership and oversight for staff and resources toward the accomplishment of VWAEDC strategic objectives.