Business Certifications Now Available at Development Website

Businesses that are seeking state certifications can now go to the Ohio Department of Development (Development) website to begin the process.

Applications for certifications have moved to Development from the Ohio Department of Administrative Services. Information about certifications is available at

Richland County Workforce Development Bundles Resources to Tell Their Story

The Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development has partnered with the Area 10 Workforce Development Board and Destination Mansfield to broadcast the story of the region’s economic and workforce landscape. Mansfield and its surrounding communities have a rich history of manufacturing, a rapidly growing healthcare industry, and now-a future in cybersecurity and technology-based industries. Through a collaboration of funds and assets- the county is working to effectively tell these stories with a workforce-focused podcast, and a series of videos that showcase employers in the county.

ARPA Cash: Demolition and Capital Expenses Related to Vacant and Abandoned Buildings

Much ballyhoo has accompanied the U.S. Treasury’s publication in January 2022 of its Final Rule[1] in the use of American Rescue Plan Act[2] (ARPA) funds. Local governments across the country are scrambling to deploy their stimulus funds in response to the pandemic, pay essential workers, provide government services, and invest in water, sewer and broadband infrastructure. Buried in the Final Rule and its 403-page clarifying guidance is an express authorization to use funds to address vacant and abandoned buildings, including commercial and industrial structures.  

ARPA Final Rule – The “B-sides Collection”: Affordable Housing Development

With the U.S. Treasury’s January 2022 release of its Final Rule[1] in the use of American Rescue Plan Act[2] (ARPA) funds, we began publishing this series of articles reviewing the lesser publicized aspects of that guidance (hence, the “B-sides” moniker). In this edition, we address the Treasury’s presumed eligible use of federal stimulus funding in the development of affordable housing, and the limited scope under which private, for-profit entities may receive transfers of ARPA funds to carry out such ends.