Northwest Ohio Businesses Hosting OH•ZONE: A Virtual Career Fair

Oct 23, 2020Events, News, Newsletter


Sandusky County
: As the economy recovers and Ohio businesses across the state work to stay open or in some cases reopen, JobsOhio’s Northwest Ohio Network Partner, the Regional Growth Partnership, hosting OH•Zone, a virtual career fair, on Thursday, November 5, 2020. The goal is to help Ohioans, especially those who have been impacted by COVID-19, find employment while helping regional employers build a qualified, motivated workforce.

“The virtual career fair will help to connect with prospective employees and meet the workforce needs of local companies and industries,” said Jeff Sprague, Regional Talent Manager for the JobsOhio Northwest Ohio region.

The fully virtual, online event will feature over a dozen regional Ohio companies that are hiring for open positions. Participating employers from throughout the 17-county region will have virtual booths featuring their open positions at varying experience levels.

“Through the career fair, we hope to attract the attention of active jobseekers who seek employment or advancement, and/or who are ready to make a career change,” said Mr. Sprague

Job seekers are encouraged to register for the event early to upload their resume and qualifications, explore companies and open positions, and sign up to receive alerts and reminders leading up to and throughout the event.

Register for the OH•Zone event online by visiting  For registration assistance and questions regarding the event, job seekers are encouraged to call Ohio Means Jobs – Sandusky County at 419.332.2169.



The Regional Growth Partnership serves as a JobsOhio Network Partner and is the lead economic development group serving the Toledo region and 17 counties of Northwest Ohio.

JobsOhio is a private nonprofit corporation designed to drive job creation and new capital investment in Ohio through business attraction, retention and expansion efforts.






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