Port Authority Awarded Grant: ODOT Aviation Grant to Address Wind Cones, Infrastructure

Oct 29, 2018News, Newsletter

Clinton County Port Authority

(WILMINGTON, OHIO) The Clinton County Port Authority (Port Authority) received a Notice of Project Approval (NPA) indicating that it has successfully secured grant funds from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) FY2019 Ohio Airport Grant Program. These funds will be leveraged with Port funds to complete repairs of concrete on the north east end of the runway, and to replace and relocate wind cones at each end of the runway.

“We are grateful for the investment ODOT is making with us in our aviation infrastructure,” said Port Authority Executive Director Dan Evers. “The Wilmington Air Park airport operations support – directly and indirectly – many businesses and jobs both in the Air Park and throughout Clinton County. It is important to keep the runway and related support infrastructure in good repair.”

The two projects proposed to be funded with the assistance of ODOT Aviation grant funds address an estimated $112,000 in repairs, replacements and improvements. The State will fund 79 percent of the cost of the two projects, to a maximum of $88,000. The investment in the balance of the funding for each project (not less than 21%) will be made by the Port Authority.

ODOT Aviation announced project awards, through this competitive grant program, to airports throughout Ohio. The grant funding will total over five million dollars. Projects funded include rehabilitation/repair of airport runways, aprons, and lighting, as well as airport obstruction removal. The Port Authority submitted seven projects for consideration for funding in fiscal year 2019 and secured funding for the runway and wind cone repair and replacement projects. The Wilmington Air Park was one of only three airports in the state to receive multiple project award notices.

“We’re pleased, and proud, to have received grant funding for multiple projects for the Air Park. We believe it speaks to the attention to detail and collaboration that went into our initial grant,” said Evers. “We’re already working with our airport engineering partner, Michael Baker, International and LGSTX Services, to create a work plan that minimizes the impact on airport operations and maximizes the value of the investment.”

While preliminary work on the plans and pricing will commence soon, these project work will be completed on the airport in 2019.

About the Clinton County Port Authority
The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space. Collaborating with the Board of County Commissioners and other partners on Economic Development matters, the Port Authority markets properties and manages programs available to the entire community. Learn more at www.wilmingtonairpark.com.

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