Marion Technical College Joins Smart Automation Certification Alliance

(Marion) Marion Technical College is proud to announce that it is joining the Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA). This new membership, generously funded by Buckeye Educational Systems, benefits students by helping instructors stay atop of the latest developments in smart manufacturing and allowing Marion Tech the opportunity to award certifications to students.

Workforce Development Specialist – Fairfield County, Ohio

Fairfield County seeks a workforce or economic development professional to develop and coordinate programs to prepare its regional workforce for careers. Fairfield County Economic and Workforce Development serves as the fiscal and administrative agent for the five-county Area 20 Workforce Development Board. This position will oversee aspects of that Board including the employer services providers, youth council, area monitoring, and fiscal budgeting.

Tracked House Bills – April 2021

State News:

Ohio’s $162.57B biennial operating budget proceeds through the General Assembly: On April 13, the House Finance Committee accepted a substitute version of HB 110, which was introduced with Governor DeWine’s proposed two-year budget.  The House has made many changes, including a decades’ long legislative fix to Ohio’s K-12 school funding.  The budget is further described in the legislative updates, below.