Director of Planning City of Barberton

The Planning & Development Director for Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) is to serve at the pleasure of the Barberton Planning Commission. The Director will lead in carrying out the vision of the City and help steward appropriate development, by working to implement the Barberton Comprehensive Plan, the Active Transportation Plan & Complete Streets Policy, Historic Design Guidelines, the Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Consolidated Plan and distribution of Community Development Block Grant funds (CDBG).

Economic Development Administrator – Fostoria Economic Development Corporation

The Fostoria Economic Development Corporation is conducting a search for an Economic Development Administrator to assist in the continued development and growth of the City of Fostoria.   This full-time position will work closely with a variety of companies and organizations to assist in seeing continued community and economic development. 

Lending Coordinator – Development Finance Authority

Assist loan officer with various tax lien searches, credit report checks etc. for all lending programs
Manage loan closings of all Western Reserve Community Fund (WRCF) loans upon direction from executive director with appropriate approved loan write up and information.

A Stronger Workforce through Understanding Mental Health and Addiction

About three months ago, we launched our Recovery Within Reach campaign, a first-of-its-kind effort to educate Ohioans about the financial effects of opioid addiction — and to connect them with treatment options close to their homes.

Our goal is to create a new way of talking about addiction, one in which people consider the facts and practical realities of how substance use disorder affects their lives. Not long ago, Gov. Mike DeWine challenged all of us in state government to think of ways we could help Ohioans navigate the opioid crisis that has affected our state for so long. For us, that meant considering the financial effects of addiction — and providing tools and trainings to help Ohioans and financial advisers talk about addiction and access care.