Help Your Companies Find Talent Through JobsOhio and Its Partners

In the current hot job market, talent with the right skills is hard to find. This is not news to any of us. This is what we are hearing from our community partners.

The problem is real. The demand is outpacing the talent supply in most areas, especially in technology, life sciences, and manufacturing. This creates competition for the 23,000 new candidates that Ohio universities graduate each year.

Historic Downtown Newark Revitalization continues with the Historic Arcade

Newark’s Historic Downtown continues to embrace revitalization with the Historic Rehabilitation of the glass roofed Historic Arcade.

Over the past eight years, the private/public investment into Downtown Newark has grown to approximately $130,000,000. Highlights of various Historic building rehabs, streetscape, sewer/storm water separation project, Hilton Doubletree rehab and much more are included in the revitalization efforts. Now, with the help of over 35 donors, State & Federal Historic Tax Credits, Transformational Mixed-Use Development Tax Credits and other programs, Newark will undergo a $15,000,000 Historic Rehab of the Arcade.

Montrose Group’s Client Newark Arcade Wins Ohio Transformational Mixed Use Development Tax Credit

The Newark Arcade Project, a Montrose Group client, was one of 13 projects awarded the highly competitive Ohio Transformational Mixed Used District (TMUD) tax credit by the Ohio Tax Credit Authority on March 2, 2022.  The Ohio Tax Credit Authority approved these awards as part of the $100 million first round of the state’s new TMUD Program. The Ohio Department of Development reported there were $417 M worth of applications. 

Wilmington Air Park Highest Volume Cargo Airport in Ohio

The Wilmington Air Park was ranked the highest volume airport in Ohio for cargo shipped for 12 consecutive months as of the end of 2021. That volume also makes it the 25th busiest airport in the United States based on pounds of freight transiting the airport. The volume of freight processed at the airport, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, is 512 million pounds for the 12-month period through December 2021.