GOPC Launches Brownfields Website as a Resource for the newly funded Brownfields Remediation Fund

Brownfields stakeholders are excited for the newly established Brownfields Remediation Fund through the state budget passed earlier this year. An investment of $350 million will provide Ohio’s cities with grant dollars to remediate brownfields in their communities. In addition, the budget included a new Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Program, which will provide $150 million for commercial and residential demolition and site revitalization.

Columbus Region CEDS Update

The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) is seeking public comments on the 2021 draft update to the Columbus Region’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).

City of Tiffin launches second Dream Big Tiffin process on Sept. 3

TIFFIN, OHIO – On behalf of the City of Tiffin, the Tiffin-Seneca Economic Partnership is announcing the start of the 2021 Dream Big Tiffin cycle. Citizens and organizations can submit ideas and full project proposals for community development projects online at starting on Friday, Sept. 3, through Friday, Oct. 15, 2021.